Saturday, October 9, 2010

AmeriCorps - HardCorps

I just wanted to note that even though this blog seems to focus a lot on the social life of us AmeriCorps at Habitat, there is still a great deal of work being done for America behind this blog scene.  I guess the corporate cultural philosophy that says "we work hard to play hard" is appropriate.  I'm going to take a few minutes to highlight some of the things I know my roommates are doing as volunteers.  I'm sure there is a lot more going on that I'm not aware of, but they'll have to chime in and enlighten us.

I'll start off with the oldest in the house,  Karthik!  He works every Tuesday through Saturday 7a-3p on the construction site.  This is a critical role on several fronts.   He makes what everyone in the office prepares for tangible.  Karthik is not only out there building homes for families who often never imagined they could afford such a thing, but he is also working along side and building relationships with devout community members and the future residents of habitat homes.  I think some of the most thought provoking conversations I have ever had were with Kart (possibly even beyond Dr. Abell's graduate theory course on Architectural Tectonics...eeek).  He questions complacency within our culture and within himself -- and most importantly acts on his thoughts.

Bridget is the next oldest after me.  She is the marketing manager for Habitat Suffolk and has a background in graphic design and fine arts.  I'd say she works 9a-5p M-F, but no one who knows her would believe it.  She seems to be one of the first to arrive in the office and the last to leave.  She is currently in the process of re-branding HFH-S, which impacts all print and electronic material in the office and as a result coordinates with everyone in the office to meet their marketing needs.  She is also redesigning the website, which is a job in and of itself.  I get overwhelmed just thinking of what's on her plate and what she achieves each day.  I had the pleasure of working on a brochure she designed just recently where she had this cool idea of using some of my 3d models in various different stages of completion (floor plan, wood framing model, half finished house  and a complete house) for a sponsorship brochure.  It turned out great and she'll have to post some of her graphics on here!

Lindsey, the youngest of the group, is by far the most energetic (claiming the thing she hates the most is sleep).  Her energy is perfect for her job working in volunteer services.  She spends hours on end coordinating volunteer groups and gives presentations to several different volunteers/sponsors about Habitat and our role as community builders.  Her volunteer position is so important for Habitat as a not-for-profit because of how important our volunteers are to our affiliate.  The volunteers/sponsors function as the financing, the builders, and the word of mouth marketers for Habitat.  I think I'm most impressed with the fact that she is sort of a shy person and has somewhat of a fear of talking in front of large groups.  However, from what I've heard from people around the office, she is an "All Star" at what she does!  This tells me she loves what she does and it seems like she has an unquestionable passion for helping others.  Before she started her job here she was down in New Orleans building Post-Katrina houses.

I really meant to make this brief, but I really could go on a lot longer.  It is obvious from this whole bucket blog that we mesh well and are having the times of our lives out here, but I hope it is equally as obvious that our motivations for coming out here are still intact and that through fun and hard work America will continue to help one another improve

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